Constitution - 14th June 2021
- The League shall be known as the “Edinburgh & Lothians Table Tennis League.”
- The League shall affiliate to Table Tennis Scotland and adhere to its policies regarding the governance and management of the League.
- Object: to promote, develop and control the game of table tennis within the city of Edinburgh and surrounding areas.
- Membership is open to amateur table tennis clubs in Edinburgh and surrounding areas who pay an annual affiliation fee to the League.
- Committee
- The committee is appointed to progress the Object of the League, with the best interests of the sport in Edinburgh and surrounding areas as the overriding consideration.
- The Office-Bearers shall consist of – the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, whom with members to be elected at the Annual General Meeting will constitute the committee. The President, or appointed deputy, shall be the Chairman for committee meetings.
- Five shall form a quorum of the League Committee, and the Chairman of the meeting shall have a deliberate as well as a casting vote.
- Each club with 3 or more teams will be required to nominate at least one member and at least 4 members will be elected. The committee shall be elected annually and any retiring member shall be eligible for re-election. No club shall be entitled to have more than 3 representatives on the Committee.
- The Committee shall have power to co-opt members who will not have Voting Power but who are not subject to the proviso in the final sentence of paragraph 5(d).
- The Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees to consider specific matters pertaining to the Object and to make recommendation to the Committee.
- General meetings shall be called by circular to each member Club, together with motions to be discussed, and fourteen days notice of the meeting shall be given. Each member club shall be entitled to send representatives to General Meetings. Nominated representatives shall be entitled to vote on behalf of their club as follows: one vote for each two teams, or part thereof, entered in the League, with the proviso that any member club without a team in the League shall have one vote. 12 shall form a quorum for AGM/EGMs.
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held by 15 May each year. The agenda is to include:
- Reports on progress of the League's Object and finances for the preceding year
- Election of office-bearers and committee members
- Setting of fees for the coming season.
- Appointment of independent inspector of the accounts.
- Special General Meetings of the League shall be convened on a Resolution of the Committee, or within 14 days of receipt by the Secretary of a Resolution signed by the authorised representatives of at least one-third of the clubs in membership of the League. Only “business” detailed on the agenda, which shall be circulated to all clubs in League membership, may be discussed at a Special General Meeting. There shall be no ‘Any other business’ item on the agenda.
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held by 15 May each year. The agenda is to include:
- The monies of the League will be deposited for safekeeping with a bank chosen by the Committee. All cheques should be signed by any two signatories authorised by the Committee one of which must be the President, Treasurer or Secretary. Electronic banking may be operated by the Treasurer subject to a limit of £1,000 per transaction above which prior agreement of the Committee is required. Accounts will be presented to the AGM annually. The annual accounts shall be subject to independent inspection in line with the requirements for Scottish charities of a similar size.
- The Constitution and Rules shall only be capable of being altered, added to, or amended, on notice being given to the League Secretary of any proposed alteration, not later than four weeks before the General Meeting, which notice shall give in detail any proposed alteration, addition, or amendment. Any such motion must be accompanied by the rationale for the change, supporting evidence of the need and a statement of the benefits to the League that are expected to result from the change. A motion to alter, amend, or add to the to the Constitution and Rules must be carried at the General Meeting by a majority of at least two thirds of those present and voting at the Meeting.
- Principles of fairness. As a condition of membership, Clubs are required to uphold the policies of Table Tennis Scotland in respect of equality of access and opportunity and protection of vulnerable groups.
- Dissolution. If, upon the winding up or dissolution of the League by Resolution passed at a General meeting of the League, there remains after the satisfaction of all the League’s debts and liabilities any assets whatsoever, the same shall be given or transferred to the Sport's National Governing Body, or similar, for safekeeping until such times as these funds can be utilised in re-establishing an Edinburgh & Lothians Table Tennis League or equivalent organisation. If no such organisation has been established within twenty years of the League's dissolution, then the assets in safekeeping shall be used by the Sport's National Governing Body for the promotion of Sport in Scotland."